GTA and Surrounding Areas
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How it works



Explore MLS house listings using your favourite application and shortlist interested properties.


Schedule Showings

Use our web portal (or chat/call) to schedule showings for the shortlisted properties as per your convenience.


Submit an Offer

Submit an offer request from our web portal and our realtor would contact you to send in your offer with your terms and conditions. Our expert realtor would help negotiate or re-negotiate the offer.


Close the deal

Close on your accepted offer. Robinhood Properties would help you with full legal or mortgage support if required.


Receive cashback

Receive your cashback which would depend on the property commission. Use the calculator below to estimate your cashback.

Purchase Your Home With Us.
Get $36,251* in cashback.

Slide home price below to calculate your estimated cashback.

* Assuming buyers agent commission of 2.5%

OUR SERVICES The Robin Hood Difference:
Real Estate Agents working For Your Interest.


Here are some properties we've sold firm and the amount of commission saved.
(Images removed for potential copyright concerns. Please contact for References).

About Robin Hood Properties

Tired of the "Seller" Paying for Real Estate Commission?

That's where Robin Hood Properties steps in. Founded in 2022, we're shaking things up by offering a fairer, faster way to buy and sell property.

The Game's Rigged, We're Changing the Rules:

Let's face it, the real estate market is booming, but are traditional agents working harder? Nope. Technology simplifies their job, yet fees remain sky-high, taking a huge chunk of your hard-earned cash.

Welcome to the Real Estate Revolution:

Just like other industries, real estate is going digital. At Robin Hood Properties, we leverage technology to streamline the process, allowing our agents to focus on exceptional service, not paperwork.

This translates to flat-rate fees, saving you thousands compared to the old way of doing things. We're passionate about disrupting the status quo and putting more money back in your pocket.

More than Flat Fees, We're About Fairness:

Robin Hood Properties isn't just about saving you money. We believe in transparency, integrity, and exceeding expectations. Our team is dedicated to providing a seamless, stress-free experience, leaving you with a smile - and a roof over your head (or a hefty profit from selling!).

Ready to ditch the old guard and join the real estate revolution? Let Robin Hood Properties show you how!

Introduce yourself toRobin Hood Properties Team

Mike Zhou

Real Estate Salesperson

Elaine Su

Real Estate Salesperson

FAQ General Questions

  • Once we receive the commission from the seller agent, we immediately refund it to you, minus our $4,999 fee. We can try to negotiate a reduction in the overall purchase price (excluding our fees), but this is not always possible.

  • To schedule a property viewing, you can use our web portal or reach out to us via email or phone. We'll work to accommodate your preferred time based on the property's availability. We do not "profit" from property showings and will not pressure you into seeing a property for $35. Payment for showings can be made in cash or via e-transfer, and a receipt will be emailed to you. Additionally, there is NO charge for cancelled showings at any time.

  • You don't have to pay us directly. When we receive a commission from the listing brokerage, $4,999 will be deducted from the cashback you receive. If you want to fully remove the listing brokerage's commission and pay us directly we can try to work it out.

  • The cost is $100 to submit, counter, and resubmit for each property. We will work with you until the end for each property. If you submit an offer on a different property it will be another $100.

  • If it's an FSBO (For Sale By Owner) with no commission offered by the seller, we would require you to pay us $4,999 directly on closing. If you do find an FSBO there are no hard feelings if you chose to proceed alone without our help.

  • We serve around the GTA. Our main areas are Toronto, Markham, Vaughan, and Richmond Hill. We're willing to go a bit further as well depending on the circumstances (such as multiple showings in one day).

  • It's a valid question to wonder why a real estate agent would prioritize your interests when their income is tied to the sale of a property. At our firm, we choose to charge upfront for certain buyer services to avoid any financial losses if a client decides not to proceed. In contrast, agents who only receive payment upon a sale closing may have even less incentive to act in your best interest, especially when their commission from you is substantially larger than ours. Our primary focus is to provide you with exceptional service and the best possible prices. By delivering on this commitment, we hope to earn your trust and your referrals, which are invaluable to our business, particularly since we have a limited marketing budget. Ultimately, putting your needs first is not only the right thing to do, but it's also in our best interest as a company.

  • We are glad that our competitors are also offering flat-fee services. We believe that the more options customers have, the better. We are confident that our service is exceptional and that we can provide you with the best possible experience. We are committed to providing you with the best possible service and the best possible prices.

TESTIMONIALS Look What Our Customers Say!

Our customers love our services! They often say our service is exceptional.


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